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Gates protects against counterfeit

New protection against counterfeiting: Gates assigns each package of PowerGrip® timing belts a unique code. Gates press-release Photo

CONTI TechnicalNews 50.2015

The latest issue of Contitech technical news with compact, practical tips for your workshop. Contitech Technical News 50Buyer's guide TN50Program TN50

New SASIC items

SASIC presents over 200 new articles of timing belt kits and water pumps. SASIC Catalogues

Gates changes design of timing belt kits packaging

Gates makes a transition to the new design of timing belt kits packagings in accordance with the new corporate Gates style... New Gates belt kits packages

ASG - MAHLE Dealer of the Year

On June, 18-20, 2015, MAHLE hosted the 10th meeting of Central and Eastern European Distributors in Jurmala (Latvia). Jurmala - one of the most popular... Mahle Jurmala press release Photos


MAHLE/KNECHT presents new filters, thermostats and engine parts which are available in the updated product range. New items of MAHLE/KNECHT

ASG News JUL 2015

Dear customers! The newest issue of July digest "ASG News" is available by the link below. ASG NEWS: July 2015

80 Sasic articles

SASIC presents expansion of a product range - 80 new articles for different vehicles, including a wide selection for German brands. 80 SASIC articles

Philips digest

Philips is providing an opportunity for those wishing to examine its latest digest issue... Philips Digest 04/2015

Contitech Technical News 45.2015

Contitech presents its newest edition of "Technical Newsletter" Contitech Technical News 45.2015